Our son Andrew has been attending boarding school in my husband's home state of Tamil Nadu. It is very far from here. He is in his plus 2 year, or twelfth grade. It is a very important year for him. Due to our financial difficulties, we were unable to pay the fees owed the school of Rs. 30000 ($650) for last year, and Rs.65000 (1, 407) for this year. The school put him out despite my husband's begging for more time. Another boy was also sent out so together they traveled to Bangalore to his granny's home. We did not have any contact for six days! You can imagine how frantic I was! Finally, on the 6th of Sept. I was able to reach his friend in Bangalore, who assured me Andrew was safe. They are waiting for train tickets. He can return if the bill is paid. It will be most difficult for him to attend a school here as the curriculum is not the same. Please pray with us for a solution to this problem. Please pray for Andrew's safety.